Leadership for Social Change




Excellence – Ambition – Achievement


Interim or consultant?

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There are clear similarities.  Both work to a specific brief with objectives and deliverables; both are temporary – used for a specific time for specific activity; and both require sensitivity to the organisational context.  I have used my consultancy experience in my interim assignments: – clarifying the brief and the objectives; providing regular progress updates; identifying when additional specialist input is needed – and sometimes engaging it; applying my consultancy experience within the interim role eg to run a strategy day, advise on a Board appraisal etc.  As a consultant I have also provided interim resource – eg on public and patient engagement.

Having wide experience of a range of charities and organisations with different challenges and circumstances is enormously helpful to both.  It means you are well equipped to deliver effectively – and if you are well networked (as I am!) there is always someone to ask!