Leadership for Social Change




Excellence – Ambition – Achievement

Case Studies

Take a look at the case studies below

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Charity A had a staff group who were uncertain and unhappy, and not delivering.

What did I do?

  • A values and strategy review process, with staff and stakeholder involvement.
  • A restructure including changes to the senior team to deliver the strategy.
  • Middle manager development programme.


Clarity of purpose and contribution, and values owned by staff, with the organisation exceeding targets in all result areas.

Charity B was facing financial challenges and a change of leadership.

What did I do?

  • Stabilised the charity through improved staff engagement and internal communications.
  • Strengthened the senior management team including financial leadership.
  • Improved approach to business development and commissioner relationships.
  • Close working with the Chair and Board and support with CEO recruitment.


The charity was stabilised financially, and positioned to attract a new CEO, to secure new contracts and income and be sustainable.

Charity C was experiencing a funding challenge and had experienced a change of leadership.

What did I do?

  • Ensured positive and constructive relationships with key funders and stakeholders.
  • Established new ways of working with the senior team and the Chair and Board
  • Strengthened leadership and staff morale, with staff involvement and internal communications.
  • Led a mid-term strategy review, and values review and refresh, with staff and trustee engagement.


Significant funding secured, positive executive/Board relationships, positioned to attract a new CEO and be sustainable.

Charity D was facing significant challenges to its income and business model.

What did I do?

  • Restructured and reprioritised, working closely with the senior team.
  • Worked with the Board to explore options for the charity’s future.
  • Led the charity into merger, working closely with the Board.


The charity became financially stable and sustainable, giving options for the future. The decision was made to merge the charity.

Charity E was going through change under its permanent CEO, who was taking maternity leave.

What did I do?

  • Led the charity through the COVID pandemic included furloughing staff, and engaging and supporting staff working remotely.
  • Provided active support to and engagement with finance, fundraising and retail to safeguard income and ensure sustainability.
  • Ensured focus on the lived experience of beneficiaries through the pandemic.
  • Recruited new members of the senior team.
  • Supported the Board to recruit a new Chair and trustees.


The charity survived and thrived through the pandemic. Momentum was maintained on key initiatives and changes. Smooth transition at start/finish of maternity cover.