Leadership for Social Change




Excellence – Ambition – Achievement


Take a look at the case studies below

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Charity A had a staff group who were uncertain and unhappy, and not delivering.

What did I do?

  • A values and strategy review process, with staff and stakeholder involvement.
  • A restructure including changes to the senior team to deliver the strategy.
  • Middle manager development programme.


Clarity of purpose and contribution, and values owned by staff, with the organisation exceeding targets in all result areas.

Charity D was facing significant challenges to its income and business model.

What did I do?

  • Restructured and reprioritised, working closely with the senior team.
  • Worked with the Board to explore options for the charity’s future.
  • Led the charity into merger, working closely with the Board.


The charity became financially stable and sustainable, giving options for the future. The decision was made to merge the charity.