


Excellence – Ambition – Achievement


Board and leadership support

  • CEO support – coaching and development
  • Board advice and support with unexpected challenges eg sudden CEO departure
  • Improving relations within/between leadership team and Board, Chair and CEO

Strategy, structure and culture change

  • Structure change – planning and delivery
  • Culture change, values development
  • Strategy development – process and approach


  • Tackling financial challenges eg funding shortfall, managing cost reduction
  • Reviewing your business model – opportunities and risks
  • Reviewing your income portfolio to ensure it is relevant and productive for your organisation
  • Developing capacity to be more commercial in activities, to generate more fee income from selling products and/or services.

Here are some example assignments:

Board and leadership support

  • You’re Chair of a charity Board and would like some support to develop the Board
  • You’re a charity CEO or Chair and would like support to deal with particular challenges
  • You’re an experienced CEO and would like support to develop yourself
  • You’re a new CEO and want some practical coaching to support you into the role


  • You need to restructure the organisation – eg to streamline the organisation, support recruitment or save money – and want some leadership support to design and deliver the restructure process


  • You would like to strengthen your culture, and need some help to design a values development/refresh and/or culture change programme.


  • You need a new strategy and don’t know where to start, so need some help to design a strategy process.


  • Your organisation has gone through/is going through a lot of change, and you want to bring some stability and assurance for staff and Board – and need some guidance on how best to do that.


  • Your finances are somewhat hand-to-mouth and you want to find a more sustainable business model. You need some help to review your current business model and income streams to move towards a more sustainable position.


  • You feel your charity has lost its way and needs to refocus and reprioritise to ensure impact and income. You need someone to work with you to do that.

Take a look at some case studies in these areas or read testimonials to find out what people say about me.